Bringing Home Baby: Postpartum Doulas

You are now at home with your new baby who you just want to gaze at and soak in every moment. Then reality sets in. How are you supposed to rest and recover from birth? When will you have time to cook? You’re supposed to be taking it easy, but so much needs to be done. Do tidy houses even exist with newborns? What about caring for the rest of the family? Unpacking the hospital bags looks so daunting.

Then in walks your postpartum doula. She prepares you a snack, you know the fruit you wanted but couldn’t even wash because the baby cried again. She makes sure the bottles are sterilized and straightens up the kitchen. She checks in with your partner and family to see how they are doing and if there is anything they need help with. She starts to wash a load of baby clothes, while you tell her all about the birth. She listens and reassures you. She brings your focus back to you and the baby.

 Postpartum doulas do all of that. We are here to help you rest and recover from birth. We help all family members adjust to this new period of life. Meal preparation, light housekeeping, helping with the baby, breastfeeding support. No need is too little or too great. Your postpartum doula is there to offer physical, emotional, educational and most importantly, nonjudgmental support. Whether you need four hours or 24 hours of support, we do that.

At Attuned Doula Services, we know that no two families’ needs are the same, so our postpartum doulas cater their shifts to your individual needs. For one family that may be setting up a schedule or routine for the baby and for another, it may be creating comfortable spaces all around the house with everything you need for breastfeeding within arm’s reach. We can care for the baby while you spend time with older siblings or just get an uninterrupted shower or we can help organize the nursery while you care for the baby.

Our support is only a phone call away